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Spanner has the unique quality of a vast knowledge in both sports and animals. In the summer of 2011, he decided to put all his passions on line to share with the world. 'Spanner Spins' is now the most viewed sport/animal blog in the whole of Oswestry. Favourite Sportman: Suresh Raina Favourite Animal: Wildebeest

Thursday, 27 October 2011

football season:1XI

this seasons football i've been playing for the 1XI. we have had a fairly good season in this first half of the term. we have lost 2, won 4, drawn 1. all the opposition were a team that could have beaten us. the picture above was from last year.
                                                                                                               h.wasdell(cm) (full back)
                                                                                                               f.beharrel(right wing)
                                                        U13 1XI TEAM

j.hall( r.back)                j.scofield(centre.b)                  d.scofield(centre.b)                   o.clarke(l.back)


                                   f.fielding(cam)                                    a.waterworth(cam)

c.massey(wing)                                      E.beard (C) (ST)                                                                                        

                                                                RESULTS SO FAR:

                                                       KG: 4-1 Win
                                                       Shrewsbury tournament: quater final.
                                                       Prestfelde: 4-3 win
                                                       Foremarke:7-1 lost
                                                       Shrewsbury U14 C: 3-1 win
                                                       Wrekin: 3-3 draw
                                                       Foremarke: 6-0 lost
                                                       Birchfield: 4-3 win

          we have a few more matches after christmas but now we have rugby!!!!