ring tailed lemurs are a rare species of lemur that obviously live on Madagascar because all lemurs live in there. they're only on Madagascar because when Madagascar broke off Africa, all the lemurs were on that part. they have lots of relatives that live in other parts of the world which are not lemurs, like possums.... there are lots of reasons why all lemurs are endangered.. deforestation, lots of foreigners are cutting down the baopap trees which the biggest and most famous tree in Madagascar, hunting, there are not enough conservation sites to protect the lemurs from poaching, there fur and meat is very valuable for the locals who kill them, obviously people are trying to help. There are not only just lemurs on this exotic island, giant mongooses are the second biggest threat to lemurs, they slink around at night on the high trees looking for food and bugs. they have lots of exotic birds(i don't know any!!!) that surround the canopy. lemurs live in groups and sometimes confront each other which has serious consequences, groups are decimated, baby's for future generations are killed with no protection. Madagascar has another bad situation, the expansion of the human towns, more and more trees are burnt down which affects all the animals.
there are different parts of Madagascar, the rocky area, where crevices and drops are formed but is good for the protection of lemurs, sofaka lemurs go there a lot.
the normal jungle, lot of thick dense typical jungle where the lemurs thrive when protected. the last key part of Madagascar is the desert and the baobap forests, its a very dry arid place, the baobap trees have enormous roots so they can take in a huge amount of water when there is, there are rarely any other trees or plants or animals there in the dry season, but in the rainy season its full of life.