About Me

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Spanner has the unique quality of a vast knowledge in both sports and animals. In the summer of 2011, he decided to put all his passions on line to share with the world. 'Spanner Spins' is now the most viewed sport/animal blog in the whole of Oswestry. Favourite Sportman: Suresh Raina Favourite Animal: Wildebeest

Saturday, 13 August 2011

The Wildebeest

Wildebeest live around East Africa. They always follow the rain as there is always lots of grass. Wildebeest live in big herds up to a million - 5 million. They are in the antelope family. 
At most, they can grow up to 4ft 2 - 4ft 10. The most common places you'll find them will be in the Serengeti and the Masai Mara. 
Migration is a key part of their lives. They cross crocodile infested rivers to get to greener pastures and they are constantly on the move. 
Their safety in numbers helps them to graze without being on the look all the time. Predators tend to only go for the weak and young Wildebeest. 
They are my favourite animal for a few reasons, their noise, their looks eg. the horns and I love the way they move. 


  1. Awesome Blog Spanners - love the Amur Leopard - beautiful creature.

    Look forward to the next blog - have you on my favs on google.
